Discord Server Rules

Basic Discord Rules

The BLACK ALCHEMY RP Discord has RULES here's a list of the general rules: DISCORD TOS: https://discord.com/terms

DO NOT Disrespect any Staff Member or Member on Discord by any means. This includes the use of racial slurs or other offensive words towards a group of individuals or specific individuals. This includes homophobia, sexism, racism, and religious discrimination, and derogatory words. This will ALL RESULT IN a PERMANENT BAN! DO NOT spam or flood any of the channels. This will result in a Mute/Kick/Timeout

DO NOT post stuff in the wrong channels that it don't belong in, this will result in a mute for 24 hours! Make sure that you're using the right channels and not arguing in feed-back channels etc. If you have a question make a ticket, don't DM Staff Members.

DO NOT post inappropriate memes or messages in ANY of the channels, this includes the submission of porno, homophobic, sexual and other related content that could be deemed as inappropriate for Discord.

DO NOT speak about politics publicly anywhere in this discord, keep your political beliefs to yourself and your friends. This is to ensure that no unnecessary arguments are started.

DO NOT incite drama or causing drama by any means, you will be PERMANENTLY BANNED for doing this. We don't need people causing issues in Discord or inciting large arguments. If you have something to argue, either take it to DMs or don't incite it in the first place, this is all to avoid unnecessary issues and problems.

DO NOT discuss about bans publicly in any of the channels, doing so will result in greater punishments or extended bans! You shouldn't be contesting bans in #general at ALL. Make a ticket or fill in the ban-appeal form. Simply make a ticket and be respectful.

Do Not advertise other Discord Servers, Communities or other third-party websites

USE COMMON SENSE at all times!

Last updated