Ban Appeals

BLACK ALCHEMY RP Staff allow BAN APPEALS under certain regulations


  1. Go to this tebex store link- this is the ban appeal

  2. After Step 1. then do this- "open-a-ticket", state you want to APPEAL A BAN!

After Creating and Opening your Support Ticket, make sure to include: (1) Ban ID - Can be Found on your Ban Message (Screenshot or Copy & Paste) (2) Who was the Banning Staff Member? (3) What was the cause of you getting banned? (4) Did any new info come to light showing your ban was wrongfully given? (5) What can be done defiantly to prevent you from getting banned again?

After submitting all of this information, you SHOULD be PATIENT and wait for a response from a Staff Member or the Staff Member that issued the ban, this would be at their discretion whether they choose to have you UNBANNED or NOT

HOWEVER, there are certain offences that CANNOT be APPEALED such as:


  • Modding,Cheating, Hacking

  • DDOS or Doxing Members

  • Stalking Community Meetings

  • Exposing someone to real-life info

  • Looking Someone up Outside of the Game

  • Contacting someone outside of the game without them asking or telling you

  • Harassing Community Members to a point where the Ban was Issued

  • Saving a Photo from Discord (IRL Photos) without Permission

  • Sending Death Threats to New District RP Community Members

  • Abusing Whitelisted Job by Selling/Giving Items to the public

Last updated