VDM (Vehicle Death Match)

Vehicle Death Match (VDM) is killing someone with your vehicle without any Valid or Realistic reason. Running someone over while they are AFK and can’t react or defend themselves is also VDM and Force-RP.

Example of VDM (Vehicle Death Match):

Subject A sees and Subject B walking across the road and decides to run him over for no apparent reason at 150mph, downing and killing them instantly, driving off laughing. THIS IS CONSIDERED VDM

Example of a Valid Interaction:

Subject A is a Police Officer and they respond to a call of shots fired around Legion Square, they pull into the side-path besides the bank and are ambushed. Subject B & Gang aim guns at him from the front, and Subject A's reflex is to instantly drive back but doesn't notice more of Subject B's Gang Members are behind him trying to block him in! Subject A's interaction was TOO QUICK for him NOT to value his life, there was distance and the proximity wasn't that much, which means it would be reasonable to also believe he could get away. However, he runs over and downs Subject B's Gang Members in the process of trying to evade! THIS IS NOT CONSIDERED VDM! - The Situation was Reasonable, and the actions would be lawful alongside the fact he wasn't aware they would be there in that exact place, at that exact time.

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