Faction Rules

Before applying for a faction, there are rules and regulations that you must read and agree to adhere to. Failure to do so will result in anything from strikes, suspensions or to your faction


It is imperative that you roleplay accordingly and adhere to the cooldowns. If your faction or an opposing faction are on a cooldown and they come to your hood, do the right thing and fear for your life. Do not retaliate. Do not respond to Fail RP with Fail RP. Please report it and it will be handled accordingly. If you are killed and robbed from someone on a cooldown gov officials will return the items and the scene will be voided if clips are provided and you did the right thing.

When committing crimes as a faction it is imperative that there are always clips/footage readily available to protect you and your faction from any accusations that could be made against you. All members must consider the crime they are committing as faction evidence in reports are carefully reviewed. “No Clip, No Compensation!” - DAMOON

WHAT HAPPENS IN CHARACTER STAYS IN CHARACTER!!! All gang beef is in character and shouldn't bleed over into streams or discord!

Member Limit-

Any group looking to be acknowledged as a Faction in the server, they must have more than 5 active members. Factions can have no more than 25 members max


Depending on the severity of the infraction, points will be administered against your faction in the form of strikes. Factions will have 3 strikes that they can obtain before being suspended/disbanded by the Faction Manager. If a group gets disbanded by order of the Faction Manager, they will lose assets including drugs, weapons, ammunition, etc.

Removal Of Faction

If you faction gets removed for breaking to many rules you are not allowed to rejoin another faction or act like a faction member for 1 Month

Suspended Faction

If your faction is suspended for breaking to many rules you can not roleplay as a faction member until suspension is lifted

Faction General Rules-

All Gangs, Clubs, MC’s and other organizations must wear their gang colors, flags, kuttes or respective identifiers to indicate they are in a Faction. If you are doing Faction related things, you must be wearing your faction’s respective identifier.

“Locals” aka NPC pedestrians are to be treated as live individuals. Keep in mind you can do jail time if caught killing locals.

Faction attacks/crimes committed in highly populated areas with cameras etc (places you wouldn’t commit crimes in real life including times like broad daylight when everyone would be out and about) is a form of fail rp/subpar rp.

Faction Wars & Attacks - Rules of Engagement-

Factions cannot declare war on another faction just because they want to. Rules of engagement must be set in character before War can begin! Once Terms have been set and agreed to by both factions,

Factions may attack other factions with 6 members TOTAL (This includes members from any allied faction partaking in said attack). Those defending a turf can defend with whoever is in the area. (you cannot radio for people to “get to the block” once the fighting has started. You also cannot join a fight if you happen to arrive after it's started)

When you are engaging in a faction attack/fight/shootout etc, please be aware of the fact that not everyone around is in a faction. Civilians are allowed to live in the area also known as ‘residents’. If you are unable to correctly identify the opposing members of the faction in question you are not to shoot!!! (Ex: You must be wearing gang colors and gang flags [MC kuttes for MC’s] when attacking another gang)

“Shoot on sight” or “KOS” isn’t allowed unless agreed upon by the respective faction leaders and staff is notified.

Once PK’d in a scene you are to forget the events that led up to it, including any antagonizing/provoking tweets and other social media posts.

Once a faction has been attacked, there is a minimum of a ONE HOUR COOLDOWN of interactions between both factions.

Any injured faction members are to RP their respective injuries as need be. There is absolutely NO reason why someone would be in a shoot out 3 minutes after being treated by EMS for GSW’s.

Allow for rp scenes and content. The goal should not be to WIPE an entire faction. It should be sensible. Fist fights should not always result in shootouts. Shootouts where the other faction doesn’t respond with fire should not end in a wipe. Let content build. If you continuously wipe everyone that does not leave room for the beef to grow and continue.

Robbing & Kidnapping-

Robberies should not be conducted in the open on main/busy streets, areas or business locations. Proper locations for robbing will be secluded areas out of the public eye and that includes pedestrians who should be treated as live individuals (ie alleyways, inside vehicles, underground areas, projects etc).

Do not kill anyone you are robbing if they are cooperating. You may only kill if they become hostile and cause you harm forcing you to defend yourself. Words are not a good reason to kill someone you just robbed.

You CANNOT rob more than $100k! Be realistic and reasonable when robbing opposing factions

Kidnappings of opposing factions must be done with at least 3 members. As a 1 v 2 fight can turn in their favor. 3 to 1 is highly unlikely and saves all parties involved from any confusion. Kidnapped victims are not to be held hostage for more than 30 mins max. If the victim takes a ‘nap’ they are required to return to the scene and continue to rp out the kidnapping. Once the 30 mins timer has been hit if they have not been released you may then report it.

Anything sexual while having a hostage will result in an insta perma-ban

Factions with Police & Ems-

Cops can arrive with 6 to active shootings. You should treat this as realistically as possible (loot fast and run once the cops arrive) cops shouldn't fight warring gangs unless a cop is shot at first. Cops can arrest and detain gang members if they didn’t leave the area after a fight (even if it's their turf).

Gangs are not allowed to Troll first responders and/or stop EMS from doing their job. If EMS is grabbing people to bring to Pillbox gangs cannot tell EMS to leave or not to grab someone.

Factions with Civilians-

Just leave Civs alone. Gangs shouldn’t go looking to rob civs to just rob civs. Only if they are trespassing on your turf or talking reckless is it ok to attack civs.

Internal Conflict Within Your Faction & Disbanded Factions-

Whether the issues within your faction are IC or OOC, you are all adults and will act as such. The Faction Manager, as well as other staff are available to mediate any and all OOC discussions between the Factions and its members.

If your Faction disbands for any reason at all, other Factions have the right to try and push what used to be your Faction’s turf (See Faction Wars & Attacks - Rules of Engagement)

Faction Territories and Turf-

“The Block” - A small and concise area within a Faction’s territory where their base of operations is located or where their members reside.

Territory - An area that has been claimed by a Faction to push illegal products (Ex: Selling drugs, washing dirty money, etc.).

All Factions can acquire and earn territory/turf through the necessary RP. If another Faction wishes to take over territory that has already been claimed, they must first meet the Faction that has claimed that territory and explain why it is their Faction wants to take over. If the residing Faction refuses to give up their territory, a verbal declaration of war must be made. At that point an Active Turf War ensues. (See Faction Wars & Attacks - Rules of Engagement for more info.)

Important Info

When committing crimes as a faction it is imperative that there always be clips to protect you and your faction. All members must consider the crime they are committing as faction evidence in reports are carefully reviewed

You must keep everything ic ! All gang beef is in character and shouldn't bleed over into streams or discord!

It is imperative that you roleplay accordingly and adhere to the cooldowns. If you are on a cooldown or an opposing faction is and they come to your hood, do the right thing and fear for your life. Do not retaliate. Do not reply fail rp with fail rp. Please report it and it will be handled accordingly. If you are killed and robbed from someone on a cooldown gov officials will return the items and the scene will be voided if clips are provided and you did the right thing

Gangs must wear their gang colors or something to identify they are in the gang

You are not allowed to rob the same person twice

Last updated