Fearing Life (RP)

All Players MUST operate with some type of Fear for their lives. Even if your character won't die and you know that, you MUST still fear for your life as you would be doing if it was real-life. You MUST consider these situations as if there's always something to lose, whether you've been exposed to potential injury, losing their life, or being robbed. You MUST take into account the REPERCUSSIONS while your life is on the line, make sure you use COMMON SENSE at all times when in situations such as these:

Fear RP is when your character is threatened. When threatened by a weapon (meaning the weapon is pointed at you posing danger - such as in the same room or near you), your character HAS to comply. That means you can't run off when you're at gun-point. You must listen to the person holding a weapon to the fullest extent. HOWEVER, if an opportunity opens up where you are NO LONGER in danger, then you can run or fight back (Make sure it is reasonable to do so in the situations: Read Scenarios):


Subject A is busy checking his phone on the side of the road, then he sees Subject B and 4 Other Gang Members holding another Subject at gun-point. Subject B & Gang see Subject A and hold him at gun-point because he saw them and what they were doing! Subject A pulls out a Pistol and guns down Subject B & Gang when it's a 5v1 Situation. - This is NOT allowed for OBVIOUS reasons! You MUST value your life at ALL TIMES! - The player(s) being robbed are REQUIRED to abide by Fear RP if they are outnumbered. - Outnumbered or Outgunned

A Scenario where it's Suitable (Opportunity):

Subject A is on his phone on the side of the road, then he goes towards the parking lot where his car was parked. Subject B is in a corner behind a wall waiting to ambush someone, he is holding an AP Pistol and instantly holds Subject A at gun-point once he sees him, so Subject A puts his hands up in the air and complies with what he was being told. However, Subject B hears shots in the distance so turns away to see what was going on, getting spooked. Subject A tackles Subject B as he is turned away and ties him just in time as he's incapacitated on the floor from the impact. - This is a SUITABLE scenario where you see an opportunity for self-defence - You ARE ALLOWED to try and out-gun someone in a "1v1" ONLY if suitable

As usual, make sure that you are using COMMON SENSE at all times, read the scenarios.

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