Sexual Harassment

This is a Streamer Friendly Community, we have Underage Players here and the general community we expect to be friendly and nice to each other, so to ensure that is maintained we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against harassment, trolling and discrimination.

Racial Slurs, Harassment, Derogatory Comments and Sexism are PROHIBITED!

Homophobic Terms & Comments are NOT ALLOWED!

These situations are NON-APPEALABLE because Ban Appeals are NOT A THING!

We expect everyone to treat each other with respect, and NOT harass or target each other.

Make sure you PREVENT these arguments by keeping OOC away from IC.

If you feel like you've been harassed or targeted, make Support-Ticket or Player Report in-game!

DISCLAIMERS - "Erotic Role-play" 1) NSFW Content is Offered, MUST be CONSENSUAL! 2) ABSOLUTELY NO Rape Role-play, ZERO TOLERANCE! Rules are set to ensure that the atmosphere is kept friendly AT ALL TIMES! 3) Explicit Roleplay: Keep in mind that not everyone is comfortable with explicit role-play. Things of this nature should be used sparingly and you should always be aware of who you are role-playing with. If people find the role-play uncomfortable and report it - action will be taken. Be mindful that what you might find not explicit others might find uncomfortable and even harmful. This should all be discussed prior explicit interactions!

Staff reserves the right to review every case and make judgement calls based on each case presented. Make sure that you are being sensible with all of this, use COMMON SENSE!

Last updated